Tell you what, if MLB games only lasted four innings, the O's might be undefeated. Dat Nick jumped on Halladay in the first for a two-run job to give us an early lead, only for us to piss it away again. The game's not over yet (it's 8-4 right now as I type this in the top of the 9th), but our pitching has been pathetic again. Hendrickson can't get it done. Sarfate got shelled (shocker). And my boy Chris Ray let up two runs too. Damn it Ray, you're making me look bad. Shape the fuck up homes.
Actual quote tonight from Dempsey (actually I'm probably paraphrasing): "When the O's started 6-2 it was because everyone was hitting. Zauny was getting his hits..."
Really Rick? Really? I know he's your nephew, bro, but come on. You know better than that.
Here's hoping for a ninth inning rally.
Oh, and Rick just said, "You have to respect the Orioles committment to Felix Pie." No, Rick, you don't. And then he said that Montanez is the perfect No. 2 hitter for us. Um....last I checked, we had a pretty good No. 2 hitter.
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