(The cure for cancer?)
...And that isn't necessarily a good thing. After all, I am an O's fan. Basically, I echo most of Mac's words from earlier this afternoon with just a few things to add. I love the Baltimore Orioles as much as anything on this planet, that should tell you about the issues I have right there. This franchise means the world to me and it always has since I was a baby bird
I love all sports, and by sports I mean baseball, football, basketball, and golf, if Tiger is involved. Baseball however is on another level. It's a sickness that just isn't curable. Mac and I wanted to start a blog that was a little different than your run-of-the-mill internet blogs. This is a place for O's fans (or haters) to vent their frustrations as well as share their optimism. As Mac mentioned before, this isn't a blog for the faint of heart. The word fuck will be used and it will not be spelled like f*%& or some stupid shit like that, it will be spelled f-u-c-k. We are pretty much down to Earth guys and we are going to call it as we see it.
Mac talked about some of our ideas in his post so I won't bore you with the repeat. I'm sure we will add things and we are definitely open to suggestions. I'm usually not big on the rules and regulations as I don't respond well to authority, but I'm going to leave you with a couple notes:
1) Mac has a fucking gift with the keyboard, read his shit, it's highly entertaining.
2) We know our baseball, so if you want to disagree with us that's fine, but please know what you are talking about.
3) No Nick bashing. If he couldn't do something right, then it can't be done right. I heart him.
I'll be back tomorrow night to get our 2009 preview crackin', come back and see us.
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