Let me start by saying that this is not a family blog. We will be cursing. A lot. Hey, a decade of losing seasons will do that to you – as most of you probably know. This will be a place to bitch about starting pitching, to look lovingly at the arms in the minors, to express our man crushes on the likes of Nick "The Dick" Markakis and Matt Wieters, and whatever the fuck else creeps into the brains of Camden and I.
We'll delve more into what to expect on a daily and weekly basis later on in this post, but first, Camden and I wanted to tell you a little bit about ourselves, not that you really give a fuck. This is my intro, Camden's will be coming later tonight.
I was born into a family of O's fans, and have been one since I can remember. I love all sports, but baseball and the O's are more important to me than football, basketball and golf combined. I love everything about the game and, believe it or not, I fucking love this franchise. Nothing chaps my ass more than when I used to check out Roch Kubatko's blog when he was at The Sun and read comments from alleged Oriole fans about abandoning the franchise, or not going to games anymore. It makes me sick. Do I love Petey Angelos? Fuck and no. But that's not going to stop me from loving this team. I hate going to games against the Yanks for Sox in our beloved Yard and being outnumbered by those cockless frontrunners. Hate it. But that's the world we are living in. One day soon, we'll make them all eat some fucking crow though. We will.
I've been there through the good times:
And the bad:

(Note: I was going to put a photo here of Jeffrey Maier grabbing that fly ball from Tarasco, but it's just too painful. Little bastard.)
And here at 33rd & Eutaw, we'll be embracing the past, bitching about the present, and wishing for the future. That's what we do as fans.
But enough about me. I'm really not that interesting. I'm a pasty Irishman who spends too much time evaluating Brad Bergeson's stats. What can you expect from us? And why should you waste your time reading this blog when you can be looking at porn? Good question, and I like where your head's at.
Like I said before, we're going to try and be different from the other Oriole blogs. We want to be informative, but we also want to inject a ton of humor, some angst and, maybe most importantly, interaction. Here are some things that Camden and I discussed during a recent 12-hour shift at a Grotto's Pizza drinking 20 oz. beers. Needless to say, this may change:
• Daily game recaps.
• Live blogs of games and running diaries of attended games. We're going to try and do live blogs at least once per week and also during every big game (AL East opponents, etc.). During these live blogs, you'll be able to interact with us by posting real time comments calling Adam Eaton a pussy or raving at Brian Roberts' baserunning ability. Whatever the hell you want. When we go to games, we'll try and put together running diaries of our experiences, starting with Camden's take on the most magical day of the year: Opening Day.
• Once a week, Camden will drop by with a Down on the Farm report about the state of the O's minor league teams. Trust me, Camden has forgotten more about baseball than I know, so he'll hit that fucking nail on the head.
• We'll also do a weekly segment called Memories of the Magic. That'll be memories of the happy times we've had as O's fans. Hey, it's probably going to be a long fucking season, we'll need to look back at the good times often to keep us from driving to New York, ringing Mark Teixeira's doorbell and hitting him in the face with a bag of shit on a daily basis.
• Other than that, expect a lot of venting and some new features that will definitely crop up. If this thing ever catches on, maybe we can do a monthly mailbag Q&A's with people like Roch and Spencer Fordin. Time will tell.
So that's it in a nutshell. Camden will be back later to drop some fucking flavor on this bitch, so don't miss it. And bookmark us for your entertainment all year long.
I'll be lurking.
ReplyDeleteThe O's are actually a franchise from this state that I don't openly loathe and the thought of you two waxing in here and doing running diaries and what not, well, that could be entertaining...
Call me what you wanna call me Im a Fucking Yank-o-holic.
ReplyDeleteThrow shit at Tex all you want. He'll break your fucking glasses. Ripe your balls out, freeze em' and place them both in his Manhattan.
Im looking forward to this years Yank Bash !!
Fuck the Yankees... they buy up everyone in baseball and still can't make the playoffs.