(Camden got to Pickles awfully early. Good times.)

(It rained early in the day, but that didn't scare away too many fans.)

(Camden's view from his seats, pretty close to Cesar's homer.)
Yesterday was beautiful, wasn't it Birds fans? I know it's really, really early, but we are in first place and all. We stuffed a big fat crow burger down C.C.'s fat gullet, and, yes, the booing got to Teixeira. I don't say this often, but I'm proud of each and every one of who in attendance for booing the piss out of him. By the way, did anyone see Baseball Tonight last night? They just don't get why Tex was being booed unmercifully. I think Gammons said something like, "Gavin Floyd's from Baltimore and they don't boo him like that when he comes back. I don't get it." No Peter, you don't. Now go back to stroking Theo Epstein's ego. (Sorry, I really like Gammons. But sometimes he says some shit that I just don't get.)
It was quite refreshing to watch an O's-Yanks game on TV and actually hear the orange and black over the pinstripers. We'll see if that continues tomorrow and Thursday. I'm going Thursday, and I'm fully expecting to be outnumbered. We'll see.
Let's talk about the offense first, shall we? The top of our order did what it should do all year long – get on base. A lot. B-Rob and Sugar Bear were both lights out (I think they scored like 7 runs or something). Roberts did make that one mistake of getting picked off, but that splitting hairs. You have to love Sugar Bear's opposite field triple and the fact that he didn't chase any bad pitches. God I love him.
Nick the Dick did what he does as well, banging out a couple hits. I was surprised that Trembley hit Mora at cleanup, but I'm assuming that was only because they were facing a lefty and wanted to split Nick and Huff up. All in all, when you don't strike out one single time against C.C., that's a great day. Good discipline from the hitters.
And how about Cesar? Izzy showed his range, making some nice plays in the field, and had two hits, including that HUGE bomb in the 8th. Oh sure, Johnny Damon boo hooed to the umps that there was fan interference on the ball (like Damon could actually catch a fly ball anyway). Anyway, not that it in any way eases the pain from Jeff Maier, but I just want to say: HOW THE FUCK DOES IT FEEL DICKBAGS? Of course, the difference between Opening Day and the ALCS is huge, but still.
OK, now about pitching. Guts pitched well. He was very sharp for five innings, but seemed to tire a bit in the sixth and left a few pitches up in the zone. But I'll take six strong every time out. At least he wasn't the shit storm we saw in the spring.
The bullpen was......eh. Ray gave up a bomb. And the only reason Jamie Walker isn't collecting unemployment is because they want him to get left handed hitters out, and it doesn't seem like he can do it. And it drives me fucking craaaaazy. I think something's wrong with JJ because he just doesn't seem as sharp either. But none of that matters (for now), because Flat Breezy came in and slammed that door.
One more thing about Tex. Here's how I know the boos were getting to him. When Matsui hit that homer off of Ray to get the Yanks within 1, Tex raised his arms and yelled, almost like Matsui just hit a walkoff. Meanwhile, all of hit teammates behind him just sat on the bench. Let me tell you, Major League players don't react that happily when someone hits a homer on Opening Day to get their team within one. They just don't. Tex looked like Matsui just homered in the playoffs. He reacted that way because he wanted nothing more than for the Yanks to win and shut up the crowd that was booing him so much. And he didn't get his fucking wish. And that makes me happy. Very happy.
All in all, good times at the Yard yesterday Birds fans. And Camden will be back tonight to tell you about all the things you didn't see on camera. Till then, enjoy doing that first place jig while we can.
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