Monday, April 6, 2009

The most wonderful day of the year is upon us...

Happy Opening Day everyone! Hot damn, I feel like a kid on Christmas. There's something about Opening Day that just puts an extra hitch in my giddy up. I just got off the horn with Camden, and he is on 95 as I type this, on his way to Pickles (yes, already). He'll be sending me pics throughout the day, and I'll put them up when I get them, so check back for that.

In the meantime, here's a little something to get you ready for today's game. Ladies and gentlemen, The Booooog Pows. (No, this is not us or anyone we know. But god damn it's funny.)


  1. Game on!! Lets get this win. Post those pics when you get'em. thanks

  2. Well... I think the boo Teixeira song was success. I don't know what it was like at Camden Yards but on tv it was loud as hell. Nice work Baltimore. Keep letting that jackoff hear it.
